My Story

Helping women to achieve their greatest health, from the inside out. 


Hi, I’m Alicia.

Certified Personal Trainer and Integrative Health Practitioner.

Helping women to look and feel their best through proper nutrition and exercise is my true passion. Knowing they can give back to their families, friends, communities, and churches fills my heart with joy. 

I specialize in helping you to discover and eliminate the root cause of your symptoms, rather than masking those symptoms with prescription and over-the-counter medications and treatments.

Severe eczema covered various parts of my body for most of my life. As a child, one dermatologist I visited said it was the second worst case he’d ever seen. 

As I grew older, doctors prescribed countless medicines, lotions, and steroid ointments. Nothing worked, and not one of those dermatologists told me my symptoms could be from something I was eating. It wasn’t until my forties when I embarked on a separate fitness journey that my life was transformed when I eliminated dairy from my diet. 


Further studying…

While in pursuit of my IHP certifications (Level 1 and 2), my eyes were opened to just how much environmental toxins, stress, hormones, and many other factors impact our health and aging process. As a result, both my husband and our oldest son have largely remedied GI issues they were experiencing. 

I’m extremely grateful for the opportunity to study under the guidance and mentorship of a wonderful Naturopathic Doctor who has taught me how Functional, Chinese, and Ayurvedic medicine can help to rebalance our bodies and help us get well using functional medicine lab tests and different protocols. If you are open to learning about them as well … your health can improve and there is no need to suffer!


At-home functional lab testing can uncover your underlying root causes and solve your weight loss, wellness, or anti-aging issues. By working with me, you’ll receive your own Personalized Wellness Plan created just for you. Don’t guess at what’s wrong … you can test!

“I am feeling good so far! I am making healthy changes. Today something clicked about using food as fuel, not just to satisfy cravings, or because it is there, or because I'm starving. I have felt satisfied every day and I am growing in confidence that I can create better habits.”

— A satisfied client

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I’d love to meet you!

Get ready to look and feel your best so you can live your life to its fullest potential. If your goal is to lose weight, increase your energy levels or get better sleep, let’s talk.