How to Make Infused Water

Drink your water! Even in the winter months, we need to be hydrating! A good rule of thumb is that you should drink at least half your body weight in ounces of water each day. More is recommended in the summertime, and also more when you exercise. 

Water is important for your cells and organs to function properly. It delivers oxygen throughout the body and boosts your skin health! Your digestive system desperately needs water, it regulates your body temperature, and I could go on, telling you of its benefits.

A good rule of thumb is to drink a tall glass of water just after waking up … and before your coffee! Don’t forget to drink it throughout the day; the best time is between meals. If you get tired of plain water, try infusing it with fresh fruit and herbs! 

There are plenty of great add-ins for your water and they each come with their own benefits. Here are some great options:

Lemon - a natural detoxifier (also helps with bloating and fluid retention)

Lime - helps with digestion and naturally detoxes

Mint - soothes the stomach and reduces inflammation

Basil - anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial

Cucumber - anti-inflammatory, hydrating, flushes toxins

Watermelon - high in lycopene and antioxidants

Strawberries - high in antioxidants, immune boosting

Cantaloupe - great for skin and hair

Pineapple - aids in digestion

Blueberries - high in antioxidants

Peaches - high in vitamin C, great for skin

Oranges - high in vitamin C, helps alkalize the body

Try mixing it up and experimenting with these fun combinations! You will learn to enjoy drinking that water!

  • Cucumber + Lemon + Mint

  • Watermelon + Mint + Basil

  • Strawberry + Orange + Basil

  • Pineapple + Mint

  • Blueberry + Peach

  • Raspberry + Lime + Basil

  • Cantaloupe + Cucumber

How to make your infused water:

Fill a pitcher with cold water and add fresh fruits and herbs (herbs impart a strong flavor so use sparingly until you know how much you like!). Chill for 30 minutes in the fridge. Enjoy cold! 

*This will last up to 2–3 days. Citrus and cucumber may last longer, berries typically last 1–2 days.

Protein Tip!

If you’re low on protein, try adding a scoop of collagen peptides to your infused water! Collagen peptides are flavorless but pack a protein punch, so they’re a simple way to hit your macros AND your water goal. Enjoy!


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